Hatha Yoga | ハタヨガ

- Duration: 60 Minutes (approx.)
- Product code: PRG3LS
ハタ・ヨガは、呼吸に集中し、動きをコントロールし、優しくストレッチしながら、ゆっくりとしたペースで練習します。 ハ "は太陽、"タ "は月という意味です。"ハタ・ヨガ "とは、自分の中の太陽と月のバランスを取るためのヨガという意味です。
Hatha yoga is practiced at a slower pace, with focus on the breath, controlled movements, and gentle stretching. The word “ha” means sun, “ta” means moon. “Hatha Yoga” means the Yoga to bring balance between the sun and the moon in you,
Classes typically include breathwork, sun salutations and standing and seated asanas (postures).
This is a relaxing style of yoga class suitable for all levels and abilities.
Please arrive 10 minutes before class time
Studio doors are locked when class starts.